Your plant organizer, fast and simple with privacy in mind.

Save your Plants in Florra

Create plants, with custom names, descriptions and photos.

AI Identification for adding Plants

(PREMIUM) Quickly create new plants by taking a photo of your plant or choose an existing one from your gallery. Choose from common or scientific plant names!

Organize your Plants

Easily group multiple plants into groups using drag and drop gestures or via the plant's details screen.

Add Reminders for any Plant or Group of Plants

Create one-time or recurring reminders for your plants. All of today's reminders are shown on your overview, see all of your reminders via the "Notifications" tab.

Manage your own Plant Diary

(PREMIUM) Create diary entries that can be associated with your plants or groups of plants. Add photos to your entries for a more lively diary, to track growth etc.

Filter your Diary

(PREMIUM) Your diary has simple to use filters that let you filter you entries by year, plant, group or category.

Add your own Categories

(PREMIUM) Get even more creative and efficient by adding your own categories. They can be used to categorize notifications or diary entries. The diary filter is automatically able to use your custom categories!

Florra is really fast!

All data is saved on your device and stays on your device. Therefore all your data is private and instantly available!

With Privacy in Mind

None of your created content is ever uploaded anywhere. Privacy friendly analytics (Telemetry Deck) is used instead of Google services and only if you accept!